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Suzanne Gallagher Executive Director of Parents Rights in Education Discussing Student Surveys & Black Lives Matter School Policies 5pm Monday March 29, 2021 on

Suzanne Gallagher, Executive Director, Parents' Rights In Education

...She met a teacher who wanted to form an organization and encouraged them to call it Parents’ Rights In Education. Later she participated in creating videos which were used to expose the controversial Adolescent Sexuality Conferences held at the Seaside Conference Center.   READ MORE...

Oregon legislators have passed multiple statutes creating policies giving minors rights in violation of existing state laws.

Kate Brown’s new law, HB2023 goes too far!
Governor Brown recently signed House Bill 2023 mandating classroom instruction on homosexuals, lesbians, and transgenders. Pro-LGBT lessons will be sprinkled throughout school subjects such as history, geography, economics, and civics lessons. In other words, LGBT figures are featured because of their sexual preference and gender identity, not their relation to the subject being taught. Because the subject matter is part of every subject, the law implies parents cannot opt their children out.

Parental Rights to “guide the education, moral standards, religious beliefs and elements of good citizenship of their children”. ORS 336.035(2)
Age of Consent to Sex, 18 yrs. of age. ORS 167.03
Comprehensive Sexuality Education:
Oregon is considered the most Progressive in this arena. In 2009, the Oregon legislature passed legislation requiring K-12 Comprehensive Sexuality Education (Oregon Revised Statute - ORS 336.455)1 which requires that each school district shall provide age- appropriate human sexuality education courses in all public elementary and secondary schools. This law also states that information is to be medically accurate, promote abstinence and mutually monogamous relationships and encourage family communication and involvement to help students learn to make responsible decisions.

After passing legislation, Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs) are written by ‘agencies’ who provide additional detail/defining of the requirements of a statute (law). In 2012, the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) made revisions to their OAR 581-022-1440 (Human Sexuality Education). These new revisions required the use of “best practices”, “age-appropriate”, “balanced”, “medically accurate”, and current scientific information and effective education strategies.

ODE passed these 2012 OAR revisions without public input, as a consent item (combined agenda items approved without discussion or individual motions). After passing the consent items and, at an Adolescent Sexuality Conference in Seaside in 2013, Brad Victor, ODE’s Sexuality and Student Health ‘expert’ at the time declared, “Bingo Boom! We have the most progressive sex education in the nation!

Click HERE for full report

PRIE PAC is dedicated to helping candidates in every school district. Qualifications:

·        Legal Resident

·        No Higher Ed Required

·        Desire to protect Parents' Rights In Education Contact us for more information!

PRIE Public Policy Statement,  HERE!


We have heard from scores of parents asking for a PETITION to say to school boards, "REMOVE BLM and CRT "Anti-Racism" racist Curriculums!"

Critical Race Theory (CRT) inhibits unity by segregating students into groups based on race and skin color. CRT advocates assigning levels of “privilege” and “oppression” to individuals/students;Therefore, creating animosity from the perceived oppressors, and a false sense of entitlement from the oppressed.

Black Lives Matter Inc. is a self-admitted Marxist organization, holding 13 Guiding Principles, including: Abolition of the nuclear family replaced by communal villages ,Promotion of a false narrative of US History, Abolition of traditional law enforcement replaced by restorative justice practices, and Utilization of K-12 public education for teaching children to advocate for Black Lives Matter Inc. and its agenda.
We created a PETITION and INSTRUCTIONS, the How-To to get it done!
We even created a RESOLUTION your school board can pass supporting the removal of Anti-Racism Curriculums!!

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