STOP the Kate Brown Lockdown Potluck & Protest on the CB Boardwalk 3pm Saturday November 21, 2020
Urgent Press Release from the Coos County Patriots:
STOP the Kate Brown Lockdown
There will be a Potluck Protest on the Coos Bay Boardwalk as an act of civil disobedience against the Governor’s Executive Order to limit the size of gatherings, expanding facemask requirements, and locking down the state of Oregon due to the Covid19 China virus.
The government does not have the authority to quarantine healthy individuals. The government does not have the authority to shut down the economy. The government should NEVER threaten a free people with a $1250 fine and 30 days in jail for not obeying unconstitutional governor mandates.
Every American is an essential worker and every essential worker has a right to support his or her family and earn a living.
The American Patriots are also protesting the overbearing health regulations on public potluck dinners.
The Patriots will defend any business, church, or organization that chooses NOT TO COMPLY with the governor’s orders.
The Patriots Back the Blue, and support Law & Order, but will not comply with politicians and the political establishment who work in opposition to the US Constitution and individual liberty.
STOP the Kate Brown Lockdown Potluck & Protest
3 pm on the Coos Bay Boardwalk
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Bring a side dish and a chair
Social distancing and masks are NOT required because America is still the land of the free.