State Representatives from the “David Brock Smith Gang” try to Shame Radio Host for asking Tough Questions
The David Brock Smith Gang:
Three turkeys from the Good Ole Boy’s Club
At the bottom of this post is a place for public comment. Please feel free to give an opinion, or add content, links, or any missing material.
While most of us were celebrating Thanksgiving with our families, two State Representatives were spending their time trying to shame me for asking Senator David Brock Smith some tough questions about his sponsorship of a pro-wind energy bill HB 3375, and some questionable campaign contributions.
Two State Reps who always have their pictures next to Senator Smith in his newsletter, Representatives Court Boice and Virgle Osborne wrote these emails.
All three are Republicans. Both Boice and Osborne have received contributions from Smith’s Political Action Committee, Friends of David Brock Smith. Since April 2020, Smith’s PAC has contributed $10,000 to Boice’s PAC, Court Boice for Oregon, so they have a stake in protecting each other.
People can find more about campaign contributions and financial activity on the Secretary of State’s website. State of Oregon: Elections - Search for Campaign Finance Information
Court Boice has been on the radio show several times, mostly because he calls in at his own volition. He too has a problem answering questions. It took several times before he gave a direct answer on his support or opposition to the wind energy project that the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is currently proposing for the southern Oregon coast. The last time someone on my program asked about the project Boice claimed that he has studied the issue for four years and cannot decide whether he is for or against it, so much for decisiveness.
In his email, Boice not only defends his buddy DBS, but he also tries to defend the dismal record of Republican Senator Dick Anderson who refused to walk out during the 2023 Regular Session of the Oregon Legislature. It was three turncoat Republicans who sold out the other Senators who walked out to stop HB2002 and HB2005. When Senators Anderson, Findley, and Knopp went back into the legislative session, it gave the Democrats the quorum needed to make a vote.
It seems Republicans just cannot take criticism about their decisions and they will demonize anyone who questions them and exposes the truth.
From: Rep Boice <>
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2023 3:34 PM
To: Rob Taylor <>; Diane Rich <>
Cc: Rep Boice <>; Sen Anderson <>; Sen Smith <>; Rep Wright <>; Rep Goodwin <>; Rep Osborne <>
Subject: Unfortunate Rob Taylor Report - November 20, 2023 - 3:00 to 6:00Terrible Conduct Against Senator David Brock Smith - Unfair and inaccurate characterization of Sen. Dick Anderson ...
To: Diane Rich and Rob Taylor:
Mr. Taylor and Ms. Rich -
I listened to your entire show Monday and as you know – I love your politics, convictions and beliefs, however – I’m stunned with your treatment of Senators Dick Anderson and David Brock Smith – your “show” on the 20th was horrible and highly unprofessional!
Senator Dick Anderson - Unless someone comes along better suited for Oregon and that District and that is doubtful - I will be a strong supporter for Mr. Anderson. For 7 months - I’ve witnessed weekly his effectiveness and heart and honesty and dedication. He is respected, knowledgeable and his Committee work is exceptional. The Senate Republican Caucus Leadership asked he and Brock Smith not to “walk” for strategic and many other reasons. We can not afford to lose Senator Anderson! That seat was previously held by the opposing party for nearly 3 decades! By the way - He made way, way more votes you both agree with than ones, a slim few you perhaps didn’t support and further he’s a class act!
Senator Brock Smith was able to come on the last 28 plus minutes of your 3-hour show. Sadly and I note - you both either together or separately interrupted him more than a dozen times - immediately after asking him direct questions – demanding answers. Yes I will come to his defense as well – I.E. (2020 and 2021) - Just one important issue DBS championed – his 4 years in the Oregon Legislature: Considering the devastation to all of Oregon, especially rural communities and our Economy - Do either of you know how tirelessly, how deep and how powerfully David Brock Smith clearly led the state (almost single handedly) fighting tooth-n-nail in opposition to Cap n Trade. Anyone “in the know” understands – “the good guys” won that one thanks to him!!! It was a categorically horrible bill that would have cost each of our Oregon Counties $1,000’s of dollars in added fuel costs for their Road and Sheriff’s Departments alone – not to mention the damage it would have done to our Farmers, Truckers, Ranchers, Loggers, Schools, Hospitals, Tourism and Businesses in general – the list goes on and on.
I can assure - we all agree on 90% of everything you care about!!! No surprise, Republicans and conservatives however “shoot their own” while the Dems (now so radical and extreme and increasing more so every day) remain United, well-organized, and well-funded --- Newsflash - they Win!! We may never be able to remove those guilty from their corrupt power! Please consider research-identify – (Kevin Starrett could help?) those creepy people in State Government that accepted bags of cash (rotten and illegal) and because Republicans don’t have the numbers in either the house or senate – we can squeak and squawk and we do and are - but we cannot hold them accountable – because we don’t control the gavels! Thanks to many liars, dogmatic activists, poorly informed negligent people and those with big ego’s and big voices; results = we keep losing! We have to look no further than the National Elections, one painful example - because republicans fought instead of teaming up - we couldn’t even get an honorable Herschel Walker elected to the U.S. Senate - against a known Wife Abuser and liar in Georgia - Warnick.
Please stop! Please do not suggest or even lightly insinuate that the people who care most about Constitutional Christian Conservative Principles and are dedicated to fixing Oregon are somehow corrupt. I submit - many people that listened to your “Report” yesterday came away with the opinion - Salem conservatives are just as corrupt as the elite PDX Left – tragic! Brock Smith - thank God is far, far from that categorization! Please get the facts!
Tim Tuttle and David are nearly 12 year friends. Tim is highly ethical and very patriotic! That family work to be answers as best they can to the 3 major Unions that control Oregon and provide nearly unlimited funding to their radical candidates that ‘tow the mark’ or else. Our side has enough trouble finding help and contributions, so when those people are ‘drug through the mud’ – they tend to say the heck with it. Consequences – more Portland elites get elected that thus control the entire state! Tuttle’s long ago recognized David’s leadership capacities and they trust him (for example – solid relationship with Christine Drazan) – wanting DBS to keep working overtime to get more conservatives elected in the goals of saving our State!
I think you know I care deeply about what happens in Coos County. It’s certainly part of my roots. Over the years – I’ve been on Lars Larson and Bill Meyer at least 25 combined times. We often disagree, however we listen and learn and remain friends. They definitely understand the long term and they do their research!
As it stands now – I have no interest in going back on your show. Doing so would potentially break my focus – which as you know - is to do my part for everything possible to see that the Republicans take back the House and Senate Majorities – somehow uniting everyone possible so we can stop some of the current insanity and block the agendas of those who’ve been in control of Oregon Government and policies now for 40 years. (they’re destroying our kids futures and wrecking our quality of life!)
Despite the valuable time this has taken – I had to respond to what I witnessed on the20th - my record and life time history clearly shows – I’ve always stood against those that fight unfair, demonstrate bad conduct, bad manners and especially those that make false statements!
Sorry – please forgive - no time for edit…
Court Boice
State Representative – Oregon District 1
Phone (503) 986-1401
In that email, Boice claims Republicans keep losing because they fight among themselves instead of teaming up. The problem with their unity comes from some of their members’ continued capitulation with the Democrats. With Republicans like Cheney, Kinzinger, and Romney in the party it is no wonder they keep losing, which is exactly my complaint with Smith and HB3375.
For the record, I am a registered nonaffiliated voter, because I did not want to be associated with any political party for obvious reasons.
Of course, the top contributor to Smith’s PAC is also not registered as a Republican. He is registered in Curry County with the Independent Party.
Smith claims he and his top contributor are just old friends and the large amount of money he is given is used to help get Republican candidates elected, which is the definition of influence pedaling. He gets to decide in a primary which kind of Republican will receive his money. It is a powerful tool for a sitting Senator to be a candidate kingmaker with the ability to fill the party with phony conservatives who will follow his lead, support his bills, and carry his weight.
The strange part was after I received that email from Court Boice another Republican State Representative, Virgle Osborne sent me a follow-up email also trying to shame me for bringing light to the questionable actions of Senator David Brock Smith.
From: Rep Osborne <>
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2023 10:29 PM
To: Rep Boice <>; Rob Taylor <>; Diane Rich <>
Cc: Rep Boice <>; Sen Anderson <>; Sen Smith <>; Rep Wright <>; Rep Goodwin <>
Subject: Re: Unfortunate Rob Taylor Report - November 20, 2023 - 3:00 to 6:00Well written response Court!
I also listened to the show. I felt the host(s) were just looking to ambush a good conservative Senator.
I have been on the radio here in Roseburg probably a dozen times in the last year. I have always been treated with respect and dignity. What I witnessed on Mr. Taylor’s show was far from that. In fact, I was left wondering which side of the political fence he was on by attacking Senator Smith!
David has shown me in a short time period that he works hard for his constituents and he has certainly earned his position as a leader.
One could only hope Mr. Taylor will try to correct his bad behavior toward David and make amends. I do believe David leads with the same values Mr. Taylor claims to support.
Divided we fail, United we can win!
Virgle Osborne HD2
I have never met Osborne, so it was odd to receive an email from him complaining about my treatment of Smith when he was not privy to any of the interactions between Smith and me leading up to that portion of the show, but that is part of gang mentality. Protect your own right or wrong.
Those emails are responding to a segment in the third hour of The Rob Taylor Report on Monday, November 20, 2023. I had called Smith a week earlier on Saturday, November 11, 2023, to ask him some questions and let him know we were going to cover the story about him.
Unfortunately, Smith hung up on me during that conversation because he did not like my line of questioning. On Saturday, November 18, 48 hours before the show, I sent Smith an invitation to join the conversation and he did not respond until Monday at 4:52 just 16 minutes before that segment of the radio show had started. Smith called the studio line, spoke with me before the third hour, and was already argumentative and insulting because he was unhappy about the situation. Smith had over a week to contact me, so I could plan to have him on the show to discuss this issue. That never happened due to his inaction. When Smith did get a chance to speak one of the the first things he did was to disrespect my other guest, Diane Rich.
When we asked Smith questions during the interview he would recite his bio and would never get to the answer at which time we would have to interrupt him to get him back on track. It was a frustrating interview for everyone involved.
It is pathetic and very revealing that some Republican officeholders would use their authority and title to shame others because they do not like the questions they are asked. Then to do that on a holiday is a lowbrow tactic one would expect from the leftists.
David Brock Smith’s voting record will show he voted for many of the bills supported by the leftist Democratic legislators and Governor Tina Kotek. In 2023, Smith voted in favor of HB2001 and HB5019. HB5019 was used to allocate over $200 million to the Governor for homelessness and HB2001 was used to expand the Homeless Industrial Complex. Locally, DBS is an advocate for the Devereux “Enabling” Center and its incompetent Executive Director, Tara Johnson.
The DBS Gang accuses me of not having manners and being unprofessional because I am calling out one of their own. RINOs accuse Trump of doing the exact same thing when he exposes the posers in the party, so in this case that would make David Brock Smith the Chis Christie of Coos County.
It appears these politicians were not thankful for much this Thanksgiving. Instead of wasting their time subtly trying to intimidate and shame me they should have spent that time with their family or reflecting on their decisions.
Boice, Osborne, and Smith are more than welcome to schedule a time to be on my radio show, but they will have to abide by one ground rule. I will not allow guests to filibuster as a way to eat up the time on the program to avoid answering the questions. They also need to remember they are the employees of their constituents and we have every right to question them and expect answers, or like any insubordinate employee, their bosses will replace them.
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