Senator Dick Anderson Handpicked by the Political Establishment Years before Kamala

Written by Rob Taylor

July 27, 2024

Voting is all about making choices, but behind the scenes, there are forces at play that limit these choices, sometimes leaving voters with no real options, and true freedom is derived from having those options.   

 The establishment of the Democratic Party was successful with their behind-the-door coup against President Biden giving the voters of America their handpicked choice for the candidacy of President.   Using the threat of the 25th Amendment, probably some bribery, and without a single vote of the people the coup d'état was complete and positioned them as the puppet masters behind the second major player in the election. 

 It was a treachery much like those from the archives of Greek and Roman history exposing the general population to the political games played by the establishment.  Most of the leadership in every political party regularly practices these measures because they have a pure disdain for the authentic opinion of the voters, or our Constitutional values.  Their desires are for power and wealth.  

 For example, in Oregon's Senate District 5, the Republican Establishment within the Senate Caucus recruited Dick Anderson to run. The district covers the central coastal area stretching from Lincoln City to Charleston.

 Dick Anderson, formerly the Mayor of Lincoln City, also served on the Lincoln County Foundation and the Oregon Coastal Zone Management Executive Committee.

 The Caucus presented Anderson as a conservative, but he was a left-leaning moderate who frequently compromised and aligned himself with radical Democrats. The establishment believes that only candidates willing to compromise can win in the Blue State of Oregon when the historic record would belie that belief.   

However, they underestimate the commitment of "America First" Republicans who are increasingly distrustful of party leadership and unwilling to participate in their shenanigans. The support of their grassroots base is crucial, especially in districts where voter numbers are nearly equal between the two major parties.

Many believe that the establishment classes of both major parties are colluding, giving rise to the term "uniparty." It is a major issue for regular voters, as both sides seem to work for special interests rather than for their rank-and-file members. The two parties claim to support their members while demonizing the other side, confusing voters who think they are making independent choices.

In the 2020 election, Republican candidate Anderson ran against former Coos County commissioner Melissa Cribbins, a strong Democratic challenger. To undermine Cribbins, the Republican Senate Caucus financially supported a Pacific Green Party candidate, ensuring votes would be siphoned away from Cribbins.  They even hired a firm to geofence the district to bombard it with social media ads.   

Their tactic worked. The Pacific Green candidate received 3,107 votes causing Cribbins to lose by 2,187 votes, giving Anderson a narrow victory.

In the 2021 Legislative Session, Anderson and five other Republican Senators provided the quorum needed to pass SB 554, a radical anti-gun bill that targeted holders of Oregon Concealed Handgun Licenses. SB 554 criminalized everyday activities like visiting airports or schools if an individual with a CHL had a concealed handgun.

During the 2023 session, the only two Republican Senators to show up throughout the entire session in Salem were Dick Anderson and David Brock Smith. Other Republican Senators staged a walkout to protest the Democrats' Marxist agenda.

As a demonstration of their true nature, Anderson and two other Senators, Finley and Knopp, agreed to return to session, which allowed the passage of two anti-Second Amendment bills.  The two bills included HB 2005, which imposed severe penalties on gun owners who built unserialized guns, and HB 2572, the anti-gun "paramilitary" bill.  Their capitulation with the Democrats also handed them the opportunity to pass the extremely controversial Child Mutilation Bill HB2002

Anderson has a failing liberty score of 21.3% from the Republican Liberty Caucus of Oregon and a low lifetime voting score of 58.62% from the conservative organization C-PAC, indicating his lack of appeal to grassroots Republicans.

Given Anderson's voting record, why should anyone worry about a Democrat replacing him? He essentially acts and votes like one.

In December 2023, Coos County Republican Chair Rod Schilling commented on Anderson's recruitment, stating, "The Senate caucus picked this guy and we've threatened to primary him several times, but we need a viable candidate."

After Anderson's poor performance in his first term, the County Chair acknowledged the difficulty of garnering support for him in the 2024 General Election. "America First" Republicans and grassroots supporters are unlikely to vote for Anderson, even if it means losing the seat to a Democrat.

Anderson faced no primary challengers, partly because the party establishment discourages opposition through intimidation and retaliation. This authoritarian approach eliminates the chance for better candidates leaving voters with poor choices in the General Election while eroding trust in the party itself.  

The consequence of having a moderate Republican like Anderson could be losing the election, but it is more about sending a message to the party establishment for ignoring conservative values. Voters may either support a third-party candidate or abstain from voting in that category as a protest.  Dissent is vital to sustain the core values of a political party.  

The people must remember to support the true conservative candidates in the election because several candidates have a proven record that is appealing not only to the grassroots of the party but the many “America First” voters who are not registered as Republicans.  Just by their sheer numbers, this segment of voters will decide these elections so it would be wise of the party to offer them a true contrast in choice.  

Voters understand that the country faces an ideological battle between Marxism and constitutional principles designed to protect individual rights. Patriots are beginning to vote based on their conscience rather than party strategies.  They are also the disillusioned who make up a huge swath of the nonaffiliated voters.  

 No law requires voters to cast a vote for a specific candidate. Choosing not to vote in a specified category is a valid decision and a way to put the party’s establishment class on notice. The message is clear—make better choices that align with the base or lose their support.


·         2021 Bills Anderson Supported:

·         HB 2001 — Preventing Retention of the Best Performing Teachers by Prioritizing Teachers with “Cultural Experience” During a Layoff

·         HB 2007 — Imposing New “Implicit Bias” Training Mandates on Mortgage Loan Originators

·         HB 2167 — Advancing Division Through the Establishment of a “Racial Justice Council”

·         HB 2180 — Raising Construction Costs by Mandating Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for Buildings

·         HB 2261 — Advancing the State’s War on Individual Liberties by Prohibiting the Online Sale of E-Cigarette and Vaping Products

·         HB 2433 — Expanding Cronyism Through the Extension of Numerous Special Interest Tax Credits Including Movie, Affordable Housing and the EITC

·         SB 569 — Infringing Contracting Rights Through a Prohibition on Employer Policies Requiring Valid Drivers Licenses

·         SB 763 — Imposing a New Barrier to Employment Through a Licensing Regime on Pharmaceutical Representatives

·         SB 800 — Further Socializing Healthcare Through the Establishment of the “Oregon Essential Workforce Health Care Program”

·         SB 892 — Further Socializing Disaster Related Costs Within the Agricultural Industry onto Taxpayers


·         2022 Bills Anderson Supported:

·         HB 4052 — Establishing a Grant Program to Benefit “Priority Populations.”

·         HB 4153 — Forcing Taxpayers to Foot the Bill for Woke Films

·         SB 1519 — Special Interest Property Tax Exemptions

·         SB 1536 — Forcing Taxpayers to Subsidize Private Heating and Cooling Units

·         SB 1545 — Government Largesse for Favored Groups


·         2023 Bills Anderson Supported:

·         HB 2001 — Enriching Developers by Involving the Government Further in Housing Markets

·         HB 2009 — Creating Tax Incentives for the Semiconductor Industry and Other Favored Sectors

·         HB 2058 — Forcing Taxpayers to Subsidize the Government’s Poor Employment Policies

·         HB 2087 — Extending the Tax on Mushroom Hunters and Other Foragers

·         HB 3178 — Increasing Tuition Assistance for Favored Teachers

·         SB 702 — Requiring Real Estate Appraisers to Take Implicit Bias Training

·         SB 851 — Creating the Model Leftist Workplace

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