Retired Lieutenant Colonel Kurt Hyde Discussing the Comprehensive Audit Recount 5PM Monday January 03, 2022, on KWRO

Kurt Hyde, a retired Lieutenant Colonel from the US Air Force Reserve, holds a bachelor’s degree in physics and a master’s degree in Systems Management. As an Adjunct Instructor teaching a Systems Analysis course at Rivier College in Nashua, New Hampshire in the mid-1980’s, Kurt led his students in a study of a computerized voting booth and concluded that it needed what he called a manually recountable ballot. Today, that is known as a voter-verified paper ballot. He introduced that concept Aug. 14, 1986 at a symposium in Boston. To date, that is still the earliest known formal presentation advocating a paper trail in electronic voting equipment and, until someone can document a similar formal public presentation that predates that, Kurt will stake the claim of being the original advocate for the paper trail movement.

A Quicker, Cheaper Way to Audit Elections

 Nov. 2, 2021. Appleton, WIS—The forensic election audit in Maricopa County, AZ, has cost more than 100,000 hours in effort and millions of dollars. The process took more than five months of reviewing ballots, voting machines, and data patterns.

There must be a faster, less-expensive method — and, hopefully, one that is not as easily affected by uncooperative government officials or employees. There is. Election expert Kurt Hyde describes it in the Nov. 8, 2021, issue of The New American magazine.

The Comprehensive Audit Recount (CAR) is designed to let the candidates, especially the losing candidates in a medium-to-large contest, pick a limited number of precincts and audit them thoroughly. By limiting the number of precincts to be audited, the CAR, at least for the first round, can be completed quickly — in about 10 days to two weeks — and can be done at a much lower cost. 

Election Poll Watching Concerns

5 DAYS AGO | By Kurt Hyde | The New American

Kurt Hyde of The New American interviewed Kirk Launius, a member of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association and a former poll watcher at a central counting station, at the ReAwaken America event in Frisco, Texas December 9 – 11, 2021. Kirk Launius who, in addition to his law enforcement experience, has impressive credentials as a computer professional including having worked in IT when he was in the US Navy.

Americans Must Assert and Reclaim Sovereignty

15 DAYS AGO | By Kurt Hyde | The New American

Alan Keyes stated that the most important thing Americans need to learn is that there is a coordinated strategy to overthrow government of, by and for the people in the United States. Dr. Keyes cited the 2020 election debacle as an example. Dr. Keyes believes that the American people must first assert their sovereignty over their local governments and then reclaim their sovereignty at all levels of government. Dr. Keyes asserted that the American people must take the lead.

Governor of Texas Exceeded Constitutional Authority

17 DAYS AGO | By Kurt Hyde | The New American

Allen West says that recent edicts issued by the Governor of Texas exceeded the governor’s constitutional authority. West specifically mentioned such decisions as deciding which businesses were essential and which were not as being blatantly unconstitutional.