Rebecca Terrell Senior Editor of The New American Discussing the Biggest Medical Experiment in History 5PM Monday January 31, 2022, on KWRO

BIO: A contributor to The New American magazine since 2009, Rebecca Terrell now serves as Senior Editor with a focus on health, energy and environmental issues. Her background includes experience in both public and private sectors as well as education and healthcare. She is a licensed practical nurse and holds a Masters of Business Administration in Marketing. Rebecca is a church organist, and her personal interests include music, genealogy research and history.

The Biggest Medical Experiment in History

Experts compare the global COVID vaccine drive to a massive lab test, and results indicate that it is the vaccinated who are getting sick, filling hospitals, and dying.

Rebecca Terrell

“This is the largest experiment performed on human beings in the history of the world.” Amid pushback against widespread COVID vaccine mandates, this statement could be easily dismissed as knee-jerk hyperbole, except that the speaker is Robert Malone, M.D., a virologist and immunologist who, in 1988 at the Salk Institute, developed the mRNA vaccine platform technology now used in many COVID-19 vaccines. He made the comment during a recent interview with Veronika Kyrylenko of The New American in reference to the accelerated push to vaccinate the world against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

His assertion echoed what another highly qualified expert had already said: “Humans are now part of the largest experiment performed in the history of mankind.” This was from German microbiologist Sucharit Bhakdi, emeritus head of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the University of Mainz and former editor-in-chief of Medical Microbiology and Immunology. He warned The New American’s Alex Newman that COVID shots would prove lethal, and that boosters could “decimate world population.”