Rob Taylor Report

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Pedro Gonzalez Columnist & Associate Editor at Chronicles Discussing American Culture 3:30PM Monday June 14th, 2021, on

Bio: Pedro Gonzalez is a columnist and associate editor at Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture


June 2021

American Guerrilleros

Law enforcement forces traditionally defended by the right have become the maw of the managerial state. Law-abiding Americans are now subject to both the tyranny of the mob and the tyranny of law enforcement turned primarily against its own citizens.

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February 3, 2021

'American Capitalism' Is the Enemy

The truth is that the political economy of the United States is no longer capitalism but managerialism, which slit capitalism’s throat sometime in the 20th century.

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January 28, 2021

A Lesson in Power

Conservatives and the GOP have rejected political power, and the fruit of their impotence is now on stark display as American society continues to erode.

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