Paul Romero Candidate for Senate District One at 3 PM on Monday, February 19, 2024, S001-Ep008


Paul Joseph Romero, Jr., a ten year Navy Veteran with honorable service.  He is married and the father of five including two foster daughters.  Growing up in Oregon since the 5th grade he's seen the changes of the Oregon landscape over time.  He's worked on farms, ranches, and even fought forest fires before joining the Navy.  He will tell you that he wouldn't trade his time in the Navy for anything and would be happy to come to the aid of his country again, which has taken the form of running for public office.  Over time he completed a Bachelors of Science degree in Workforce Education and Development and 75% of a double major in Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics.  Through a purging of fire he has been a candidate for Congressional District 2 twice, US Senate, Governor, and now Senate District 1.  He took the time to develop what was originally a "Contract for Oregon" which has evolved into a "Contract With Oregonians."  This runs contrary to the average candidate who lacks public commitment by Paul calling his shots before he enters office.   He has been quite vocal regarding the foreign encroachment into Oregon which is supported by many in our Legislature.  He has strategies he's engaging even now.

Most Sincerely,

Paul J. Romero, Jr.         

Republican Party Candidate for Oregon Senate District 1

US Navy Veteran
Telegram: @ROARlionsden

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Paul Romero Candidate for Senate District One S001-Ep008 - YouTube