Oregon Health Authority "Tyrannical" Plan to Force Compliance & Restrict Access

Much like Kate Brown’s executive orders, Oregon Health Authority (OHA) plans to bypass the legislative process and use their “authority” to force vaccinations and mask compliance. Their initiatives include:

Time is of the essence.

You will find on this page a number of actions

  • How to contact OHA to voice your concerns, including requesting a testimony space on January 20th. (Oregon Health Authority offers limited space so please hurry.)

  • An invitation to our January 20th rally at the Oregon Health Authority’s office. Come join other awakened Oregonians!

  • Get the word out in your area via our informative flyers.

  • Help us create a movement via our viral video contest #masksonfire

We encourage you to share this weblink and make other Oregonians aware.

Want to get out the word in your area? We also welcome you to download this flyer to distribute.

About the The Oregon Health Authority (OHA)

The agency was created 12 years ago in 2009 by Oregon’s legislature. Their mission: Ensuring all people and communities can achieve optimum physical, mental, and social well-being through partnerships, prevention, and access to quality, affordable health care.'

“The OHA’s budget for 2021-23 is an outrageous $29 billion dollars. All this for an agency we didn’t need prior to 2009? The plan is clear: use your tax dollars as a weapon against your personal medical freedoms, and use this agency to forge a path for the digital passport in the state of Oregon.”

- Angela Todd, Free Oregon | Chief Communications Officer

Pat Allen runs the OHA. He has no medical training, but asserts his right to make decisions for all of Oregonian’s health and well-being. He is a career bureaucrat reportedly regularly sharing with his staff he doesn’t understand why there is so much pushback from the public when all he is doing is trying to keep them safe.

What you can do:

1) Write a letter, email or register for testimony. Space is limited for testimony.

Email OHA with your request to testimony.

  • Adoption of a rule requiring masks to be worn in indoor spaces in Oregon (OAR 333-019-1025): January 20, 2022 at 10:00 AM (Phone Conference ID: 389 374 45#)

  • Masking requirements in Schools; Vaccination Requirements for Teachers and School Staff (OAR 333-019-1015 and 333-019-1030): January 24, 2022 at 9:00 AM (Phone Conference ID: 662 539 793#)

  • Masking and vaccination requirements to control COVID-19 in health care settings (OAR 333-019-1010 and 333-019-1011): January 24, 2022 at 2:00 PM (Phone Conference ID: 191 715 671#)

Email OHA at publichealth.rules@dhsoha.state.or.us or send letters to:

OHA, Public Health Division

Administrative Rules Coordinator

800 NE Oregon Street, Suite 930

Portland, Oregon 97232

Here are two examples of letters. This one from Free Oregon. Additionally, if you would like to also email the Oregon legislature about your concerns, here is a comprehensive list of their email addresses.

2) Join us for protest at the Oregon Health Authority’s Portland office on January 20th from 10:30am to 2:30pm. Please bring a mask, a friend and something to grill on the BBQ!

Learn about the event here.

3) Participate in our #MASKSONFIRE viral video contest to help influence others and get the message loud and clear to the OHA.

Join the fun here.

4) Do not wear a mask and refuse to comply. It is not a law. Every mask that we wear says to them we are willing.