Oregon Governor Candidate Paul Romero 5:08pm Monday March 14, 2022, on KWRO

Paul Romero’s Gubernatorial Contract With Oregon 

Paul Romero For Oregon Governor Safety & Security For All Oregonians

(January 7, 2022 Revision)

As a Candidate for ALL Oregonians I submit the following Contract with Oregon ~ For Oregonians.  I would like to thank Speaker Newt Gingrich for his inspiration and his commitment to America through his “Contract with America”, 1994.

Together we have witnessed the failures of both Democrats and Republicans in our state, all at the expense of the people, this must end! As a sovereign freedom and liberty loving people we all will find common ground, NOT middle ground.  What is good for us all, should not leave any Oregonian out in the cold.  Rights or freedoms taken from one in order to placate another is a violation of our founding principles.  

I am committed, with absolute conviction, to accomplish the following as your Governor.  This is a live document so please understand that life and circumstances are not stagnate and neither can our plan to right the wrongs.  We will make adjustments based on progress and new knowledge.  I will work with the people of Oregon, the Legislature, County Commissioners, and Constitutional Sheriffs to engage the following:

Day One: 

  • End Critical Race Theory, Social & Emotional Learning, Culturally & Linguistically Responsive Learning, Restorative Justice, Comprehensive Sex Education, Gender Theory, and all devisive education from all public schools; return to the previous limited Sex Education classes requiring Parental permission for participation and full transparency; per existing law, civics will be four years in High School with additional preparatory Civics for being an American Citizen to occur from 6th to 8th grade; schools will only close for holidays and snow days; restore excellence in Oregon education;

  • Full audit of 2020 and 2022 elections; audit and review, with full transparency, of all voting systems employed throughout Oregon; return to polling stations, and hand counting of the vote with voter certification;

  • Restore individual freedoms and personal privacy by rescinding all masking, testing, and vaccine mandates for all of Oregon and State employees; 

  • Restore Parental Rights in education and nullify all laws that violate parental rights of minors;

  • Rescind the CAT tax and remove regulations interfering with the propagation of businesses in Oregon;

  • Declaration to combat and prevent human trafficking, holding those guilty of participation to fully account and providing support to survivors;

  • A full STOP to the New Green Deal, four laws, here in Oregon; Oregon has the lowest carbon footprint in the world already, a mere 0.002;

  • A full review of all District Attorneys and judges for dereliction of duty and failure to uphold the law in accordance with crime and punishment;

  • A full investigation into each County leadership starting with Clackamas County.  This is currently operational now;

  • Sanctuary cities will be banned, notably in regards to immigration; the whole state of Oregon will be a sanctuary for the Constitution;

  • Social Security Fairness and Protection: No state taxation or garnishment allowed for retired senior citizens, notably zero property tax;

  • Those that implemented forced closures, vaccines, masks, and tests will be held criminally and civilly liable as they willfully became accessories to these crimes perpetrated on all Oregon citizens;

  • In honor of Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin: Establish the position of Chief Transformation Officer to review all government agencies, beginning with the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles and the Oregon Employment Department;

Year One:

1. Eliminate Income Tax; end annual automatic property valuation increases; work towards zero property tax; retirees will enjoy zero taxes on income and property;

2. Immediate infrastructure recovery of computer systems and security improvement of all electronic communications;

3. All committee meetings and Legislative sessions will be public and available for review by the public LIVE via the internet; Attendance by the public in the Capital will not be infringed upon; 

4. All bills brought to my desk that are in violation of the Federal or State Constitution will be VETOED;  Taxpayer funding of abortion will be VETOED; Bills will address single issues with no pork, earmarks, or favors and be spelled out in an easily understood manner; Existing laws that are repugnant of the State and Federal Constitution will be reviewed for revision or nullification;

5. Establish and protect Parental Rights, notably in public education, health, safety, and welfare; severe penalties for infringement and violation by any agency or individual;  Revamp the CPS/DHS; Children shall not be removed from a family without proof of a crime and a signed warrant; False accusations shall be addressed and are punishable by law; 

6. Focus will be on child trafficking and its end; With the elimination of child trafficking, adoption will become easier and made more affordable for those legitimately pursuing parenthood; 

7. Under no circumstances will the Legislature be able to overrule a legitimate vote of Oregon Citizens; Such bills will be vetoed;

8. Guarantee an honest accounting of our State Budget by implementing zero base-line budgeting and full transparency;

9. Eliminate eminent Domain;

10. Reclaim local County Jurisdiction of BLM & USFS controlled forests and land management through the proven Apache County Resolution process; engage forest management, reinstate county level timber industry;  

11. Conduct a comprehensive audit of Oregon’s budget, Annual Finance Report and General Fund for waste, fraud, misuse and abuse; recover illegally dispersed funds; review the process whereby taxpayer funds are invested while the state keeps the profits, issue being no credit to the taxpayer (the counties do this too);

12. Address and reduce the homeless population through job and life-skills training to transition into becoming a contributing citizen; utilize e-verify to initially screen homeless and a Homeless Prevention Program will be a top priority; address illegal immigrants and their use of the welfare system; Revamp and update our archaic mental health system;

13. Reduction of licensing and fees across the board, notably in the areas of fishing and hunting;

14. Updates to the penal/criminal code and sentencing laws regarding, but not limited to: (thank you Governor DeSantis)

  • Arrested during a riot - stay in jail until you stand before a judge.

  • Participate in a riot - forfeit state benefits and grounds for termination from state employment.

  • Strike a cop - mandatory 6 months minimum jail time.

  • Violent assembly - felony.

  • Block a roadway - felony.

  • Destruction of property, public or private, under violent assembly or rioting - felony.

  • Participate in a riot from out of state - enhanced sentence.

  • Any municipality that defunds the police will be defunded of future State grants or aids.

  • Any local government that refuses to provide adequate protection for its citizens and property during a riot, will forfeit Sovereign Immunity protection allowing citizens to sue that local government AND its agents/officials for compensation.

  • Failure to enforce legitimate criminal charges by District Attorneys, felony.

15. Candidate Reform: Transparency on all candidates and elected officials regarding their biases, predisposition and preferences;  

16. Petition the Federal Government, with support from all Governors, to fully address illegal immigration and a road to citizenship; comprehensive criminal background check for all current illegal immigrants, if they are criminals then they go back, if they are not then they get to go through the citizenship process; reevaluate and revisit the past sponsorship program and quicken the pace for those who have already chosen the legal path to American citizenship; priority for all immigrants to learn the English language in support of eliminating elements for division;

Year Two:

1. Disengage the Superintendent of Schools title from the Governor’s position and select a suitable replacement and process for appointment; 

2. An audit of all elected officials for campaign finance reform and accountability;  

3. Address issues of Veterans claims and assistance for full and proper completion for submission; Organize a Federal review of policies and procedures for state level Veteran assistance.

4. Term limits for all elected officials, notably the Legislature;

5. OREGON STATE GUARD:  Establish a State Guard in accordance with the State Constitution Militia mandate which will also be integrated into an Emergency Action Plan for all of Oregon in support of citizens through natural catastrophes;

6. With the recovery of USFS and BLM land back to the counties and state, through the Admissions Act, and which original Oregonian’s were not allowed to vote on when Oregon became a state.  The 6th proposition within the Admissions Act will be put to the people to vote on.  This will provide every Oregonian with the opportunity to own land as intended through the Admissions Act.  The first act of the first Oregon legislature was a tax act.  The Homestead Act was/is an act of Congress, created to give wealth to American Citizens. 

I hereby pledge myself to this Contract With Oregon.  This contract is meant to build and restore the lost bonds of trust between Oregonians and their elected representatives.  

I offer a pragmatic Statesman approach to what I will do to repair, restore, and renew our state, its legislature and the faith of its Citizens.  This commitment is my commitment to every Oregonian.  

Oregon has been under the control of one party for far too long.  In 30 years I have yet to witness a better or improved Oregon.  What I have witnessed is not only the destruction of our Timber Industry, but the oppression and tyranny of our Private Property Rights with taxation; excessive and growing costs of licenses, fees, and permits; the growing tumor of sales tax, much of which is hidden; and the growing control over our private lands. This includes such things as recycling fees (tax) on such items as paint. The elimination of plastic bags and a fee (tax) to use paper bags unless you bring your own bags. These are subtle, overreaching, unconstitutional methods to force people to comply with an agenda. This is not freedom, but outright tyranny.

2022 offers an opportunity to unite ALL Oregonians under real leadership that will include the State Legislature. As YOUR Governor I will set the bar and build a legacy to hold future representatives accountable.  

We need to shrink our Government, rein in irresponsible spending, reduce regulation, engage real transparency, and provide an environment where our children and grandchildren can enjoy a quality of life that many of us experienced in the past.  I want all Oregonians to be able to afford a home and not be burdened by excessive taxes and fees brought about by an administration that lacks fiduciary responsibility.

There is a way!  Together you and I can create a State that reinforces strong American family values and builds on the best traditions of the past while protecting Federal and State Constitutional Rights. I pledge to be kind but fierce as I dedicate myself to these tasks.  I will bring real accountability on all levels, as Oregonians have called for.  

What makes us all great is that when things are at their worst, we are truly at our best and the best is yet to come!  Thank you for taking the time to get to know me and please share this far and wide!  Thank you Oregon, thank you for your trust and your vote.  I won’t let you down.

I am Paul Joseph Romero, Jr., Oregonian & USN Veteran  

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