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Oregon Governor Candidate Marc Thielman 5:08PM Monday March 07, 2022, on KWRO

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The Marc Thielman Interview ~ 2022 Oregon Governor Candidate ~ March 07. 2022


Oregon Gubernatorial Candidate Marc Thielman Publicly Calls Out Woke Mob While Announcing Full-Time Focus on Candidacy

Gubernatorial candidate Marc Thielman addressed the public directly on social media following the announcement of his departure from his role as Superintendent of the Alsea School District in an emergency board meeting Tuesday night.

“I have realized that to affect the greatest good, I must fully get out of a broken system in order to fix it. Effective immediately, I have resigned as the Superintendent of the Alsea School District.

“Most recently under my leadership, and in concert with the School Board, we endeavored to FIGHT FOR THE FREEDOM to educate our children in person under local control and restore the right of students and parents to make their own decisions regarding masking. Little did anyone know that this reasonable action would shake the very foundation of the Oregon state government and spark a Mask Optional Movement that inspired whole communities and garnered national attention.

“This BOLD ACTION to advocate for children and parents violated the woke mob’s need for total control of your life. I invite everyone to pay close attention to how the mob continued to open new assaults against me. Disgruntled parties hell-bent on their own agendas are making up lies, spreading slander, and now leveraging board member recalls to make their compliance complete. They are uniformly focused on a hate war against me and this school board for daring to PRIORITIZE PARENTAL RIGHTS.

“Progressive activists and agencies of the press continue to launch attacks against me using slander and libel. They are wholesale printing unsubstantiated, libelous claims without even seeking the truth. Anyone who knows me knows the truth. But I know the vitriol focused on me isn’t even about me; it’s about total control.

“The woke mob didn’t know what it was doing when it came after me. It only awakened an even more committed warrior.

“I’m tired of their deceptive, insidious agenda. We all are. And we know it is going to take a total overhaul to undo their infected plans. The time is now: WE CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER. There’s too much at stake—4.3 million Oregonians are waiting on a way out of this tyranny.

“Cancel culture fights against true freedom, instead of empowering individual autonomy because the mob is about forcing compliance.

“Be very clear that THIS MADNESS IS NOT ABOUT THE KIDS; it is about adult ideological agendas. And these agendas proceed from entrenched czars drunk with the power to make you—the taxpayers footing the bill—pay for their whims while they are stealing the education of your children and the FUTURE OF OREGON.

“With my departure, I am CHANGING THE ALTITUDE of where I’m fighting for you. Make no mistake, I am going to CONTINUE TO FIGHT, but not in the weeds with the snakes: I aim to fight for you—for all of us—as the future head of the Department of Education as YOUR NEXT GOVERNOR.

“I ask you to join me as we take on the Goliath mob and WIN.”

Upon the release of his public statement, Marc Thielman’s campaign has seen a steep rise in donations and public support from across Oregon.

About the Marc for Oregon Gubernatorial Campaign

Marc Thielman is a Republican candidate for governor in Oregon and former Superintendent of the Alsea School District. The Marc for Oregon campaign is a grassroots constitutionally-minded campaign that promotes restoring the power to the people and ending government overreach. For more information about Marc for Oregon, visit, contact or call 805-403-2889 for interview requests, email for general inquiries, and follow @marcfororegon on social media.

Last Interview:

Oregon Governor Candidate Marc Thielman 4PM Monday November 29, 2021 on KWRO — Rob Taylor Report