Open Letter to Oregon State Representatives About Second Amendment Rights

To: The House Representatives of the State of Oregon

Topic: Second Amendment ~ No on SB 554 & No on SB 585

I, along with many of my friends, family, and business associates urge you and the other Republicans in Salem to do whatever is necessary to block Democrats' efforts to undermine our 2nd Amendment rights with SB 554, SB 585, and other proposed anti-gun legislation.

Not a single one of these proposals will have any impact whatsoever on crime or violence and will only impact law-abiding citizens exercising their constitutionally guaranteed rights. Anyone who does not understand this is much too stupid to serve in public office.

We, collectively, have decided that if Republicans do not "WALK OUT" to deny a quorum to stop this nonsense we will NEVER vote for nor donate to another Republican candidate again.

In the several fundraising calls, I've received from Republicans over the past couple of months, I have voiced this position and it is the sentiment of several other people with whom I associate.

I am well aware of the situation in Salem where Democrats hold an insurmountable majority. I am also aware that the ONLY leverage Republicans have is to "WALK OUT" to deny a quorum to stop unwanted, unnecessary and unconstitutional legislation. I also realize this can be very expensive, carry political repercussions and the wrath of a corrupt media.

However, we, the people elect representatives to represent OUR interests - Not the interests of the Party or lobbyists or the cowardice of individual members.

Anyone who does not understand this should, perhaps, consider another line of endeavor.

The times for compromise and "reaching across the aisle" are long past.

You took an Oath of Office to support and defend the Constitutions of the United States and of Oregon.  The most important job of the people’s Representatives are defending our individually protected constitutional rights as stated in the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution.  If you do not support each and every one of those rights with the utmost effort and by any means necessary, there is no longer any reason to fund or vote for Republicans.

The rationalizations and excuses for the inaction of the past will no longer suffice.

Several of my friends and associates from around the state are already liquidating or selling their businesses in preparation to leave Oregon for somewhere the politicians actually represent their constituents.   They agree that voting for and donating to Republicans in this state has been an exercise in futility.

I have already joined a small but growing working group and will be working with activists to donate my time and money to promote the idea of "NEVER ANOTHER VOTE - NEVER ANOTHER PENNY" to the Republican Party or any Republican who caves on these important issues.  This does not mean we will donate to or vote for Democrats.  It just means we will not donate or vote, period.

When politicians respect the rights of the people we have freedom but when politicians refuse to respect and defend those rights by whatever means necessary we have tyranny.

Please share this with your colleagues and do the right thing for the people you represent.


Jim Bice

North Bend, OR