Rob Taylor Report

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Oksana & Paul Romero Discussing the Campaign for Governor 4 PM Monday May 17, 2021 on

The Issues

Let's keep it Simple!


  • Pro Constitution

  • Religious Liberty

  • Pro 2nd Amendment

  • Medical Freedom - No Mandatory Vaccines

  • Term Limits Across the Board

  • Transparency of State and Federal Budgets

  • Equality for ALL, no extra equality for groups

  • Strong Military and Taking Care of our Veterans

  • Pro Life - NO Taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood

  • ​Balanced Budget

  • #TIMBER UNITY Proper Land Management by all parties, US Forest Service, BLM

  • LAWFUL Immigration & Immigration Reform, Protect our Borders

  • Protect Ranchers & Farmers, OUR Food Supply

  • END Obamacare - DEFUND Obamacare

  • Downsize Government and TAXES

  • Supreme Court Appointments

  • END Sanctuary Cities/States

  • END Common Core