North Bend School District Public Meeting 6 PM Thursday, November 4th, 2021 ~ Open to the Public In-Person Meeting

The following post is not a threat or an attempt to intimidate the School Board or any employees of the district. It is meant only to serve as a notice of a public meeting, so no need to report it to the FBI. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Below are North Bend School District public meetings currently scheduled for November:

Here is the video:

November 4, 2021 

Regular School Board Meeting

North Bay Elementary School Cafeteria at 6:00 p.m.
93670 Viking Ln., North Bend, OR

November 18, 2021

Board Work Session at 6:00 p.m.

Meeting closed to in-person attendance.  A virtual link will be provided at:


The schedule is subject to change. 
Please email or visit for agenda information.

Contact Info:
Kevin Bogatin 541-401-4996
Cheri Schreiber 541-751-6797

Three reasons the voters refused to support the North Bend Bond Measure:

1.    It’s the economy stupid.  The people are TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY by the government, and they are not happy with the services being provided.  On top of the inflation caused by unfettered government expenditures, too many people have lost their livelihood due to the shutdown of the economy.  Business owners lost their businesses and the ones that did survive have to compete with unemployment checks for potential employees.  

2.    The people are fed up with the governor using her overbearing mask mandates to muzzle their children, which is putting the kids’ communication and developmental skills at risk.  The state has taken away parental authority by allowing children 15 and over to take an experimental vaccine, among other medical procedures without them having to get the permission of their parents.

3.    The people have lost confidence in the ability of The North Bend school officials to perform their job, which stems from the leadership of the district.  Instead of focusing on the basics of education, the Superintendent has been promoting the teachings of Tony Hudson and Critical Race Theory. 

The position of superintendent is supposed to be for the benefit of the board and he is supposed to work for them, but he seems to be an agent of the state working at the behest of the governor.  He is more a union rep rather than an employee of the district.    

 In conclusion, it is time for the School Board to terminate the current Superintendent and replace him with someone reflecting the values of the people of North Bend.   They must go beyond writing a letter asking for local control.  They have to demand the Governor “cease and desist” her mask mandates and vaccine mandates.  Then the Board must write a resolution opposing the teachings of Critical Race Theory including the seven elements of this racist ideology.  It would be a good idea for the Board to reach out to the voters and ask them what they want.