Bandon Town Hall Meeting Thursday February 20, 2020

Town Hall Meeting, Thursday, February 20, 2020, from 6:30 to 8:30pm at the Barn

The Bandon City Council will hold a Town Hall meeting Thursday night, Feb. 20, between 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. at the Barn/Community Center to share information and answer questions about the upcoming ballot measure for rate-setting authority, Measure 6-175.

Resource Material:

Recent Tax Measures for the Water & Sewer already approved by the voters:

Measure 6-156

Measure 6-173

Related Posts:

Judge Stone Finds that the Bandon City Council Violated the City’s Charter

Bandon City Officials and their Revealing Email Exchanges

The City of Bandon Purchased Face Rock Golf Course for $225,000 of Public Money

Bandon City Council Meeting ~ Discussion on Pool in City Park December 03, 2018

City of Bandon ~ Ballot Measure 6-172 Pool Funding ~ Voting YES Means No Pool

Suggested Questions for the Bandon City Council:

Why should the voters give more money and authority to people who knowingly and collectively violated the law?

Why has the council refused to apologize or resign for violating their Oath of Office?

Why does the city use the Water & Sewer facility like a political weapon?

Why has the City Council ignored the problem with the Water & Sewer facility?

Why does the City Council continue to spend money on nonessentials while the Water & Sewer facilities are deteriorating?

Why did the City Council allow the former Manager to purchase the Face Rock Golf Course when the city does not have the resources to maintain the Water & Sewer facilities?

The Bandon City Council should resign.

The Bandon City Council should resign.