Make a Request to Fight for Flag Freedom
Nobody should have to make a request or ask permission for their rights, especially from the government, but the City of Coos Bay is demanding it.
Every individual is born with the freedom of expression and the right to the equal application of the law.
However, the city council of Coos Bay believes that only they have the right to these rights and the rest of us should have to request them. Unfortunately, absent a revolution, the citizens have to play the game until they change the leadership of the city or a court legally intervenes.
Several citizens went to the CB city council meeting on June 21, 2022, to ask the councilors to display the Christian Flag and the Gadsden Flag. After public comment, Mayor Benetti explained the city’s flag policy, which only authorizes the City Councilor’s right to sponsor a flag and put it on the agenda for consideration to display. Then the council votes on the consideration.
Here is a link to a video of the meeting:
Many of the citizens who attended believed everyone should have the right to freedom of expression, without having to ask for permission. It is enumerated in the US Constitution. The city’s flag ordinance does not allow third-party groups or individuals to sponsor flags. In this scenario under the flag policy, only the city councilors can express themselves.
One of the ways for third-party groups or individuals to get their flag of choice displayed is to make a request to the individual city councilors and ask them to sponsor a flag.
Anyone can make a “Request for Sponsorship” and send it to the emails of the individual city councilors. Below is a list of the councilors and their emails and then there is a sample of how to write a flag request.
It is a request for the council to display the Christian Flag and the Gadsden Flag. You can request any flag you choose. You have equal rights and therefore you have the same rights as the city council to express yourself.
Contact the Mayor and City Councilors and request them to display these flags.
Mayor Joe Benetti
Councilor Lucinda DiNovo
Councilor Drew Farmer
Councilor Stephanie Kilmer
Councilor Carmen Matthews
Councilor Rob Miles
Councilor Sara Stephens
Flag Request Example:
“Subject: Request for Sponsorship
Hello Councilor,
I would appreciate it if you would sponsor the display of the Christian Flag and the Gadsden Flag on the boardwalk in Coos Bay. The city has a large population of Christians, Veterans, and Patriots who deserve to be represented in your city. Their work and investments have built the foundations of Coos Bay and their efforts should be acknowledged by those of us who benefit from them.
Would you please consider being a sponsor for either or both the Christian and Gadsden flags?
I thank you for your time and will patiently be awaiting your response. ”
Here is the section about the Ceremonial Flag:
2.3 Ceremonial or Commemorative Flags.
2.3.1 Non-Public Forum. The City’s flagpoles are not intended to be a forum for free expression by the public. Ceremonial or commemorative flags shall be displayed as an expression of the City’s official sentiments. A request to display a commemorative or ceremonial flag shall be supported by at least one members of the City Council in order to be placed on a City Council meeting’s agenda for consideration by the Council. All requests to display commemorative flags must be listed as a “Regular Item” on the Council agenda. Council must present requests to display a commemorative or ceremonial flag at least sixty (60) days prior to the date requested for display of the flag. A Council resolution authorizing the display of a commemorative or ceremonial flag must be approved by a majority vote of the City Council. Changes to this policy shall require a supermajority vote (five[1]sevenths) of the City Council.
2.3.2 Commemorative or ceremonial flags may only be displayed on one of the three available flag poles located along the Boardwalk. Commemorative or ceremonial flags may only be displayed for one week (seven days) if displayed during the normal City workweek. If the day of commemoration occurs on a weekend or City holiday, the flag will be posted on the last working day before the weekend or holiday, and removed seven days thereafter. The Council may extend the period a commemorative or ceremonial flag may be displayed for up to a total time of one month (maximum of 31 days), by resolution.
2.3.4 The City will not display a commemorative or ceremonial flag based upon the request of a third party, nor will the City use its flagpoles to sponsor the expression of a third party.
2.3.5 Any commemorative or ceremonial flag displayed on a City flagpole, shall be displayed in the last position of honor, in the event that such flag pole is also displaying the flag(s) of the United States, the State or Oregon, and/or the City of Coos Bay.
2.3.6 If the Council Member(s) requesting the display of the commemorative or ceremonial flag also wish a flag ceremony, the latter request must be made at the time of the former request, in accordance with Section 2.3.1. Any such flag ceremony shall consist of (1) publicity on the City’s website and social media accounts, a press release, and audio support (podium with speaker and microphone.
2.4 Implementation of Policy. The Public Works Director, or his designee, is auhorized to develop standard operating procedures to implement this Policy