Joni Wilkinson & Rhonda Riddle from Ones Purpose Discussing the Tragedy of Human Sex Trafficking 5PM Monday December 06, 2021 on KWRO


The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.

You were born 

ON purpose 

FOR purpose 

WITH purpose


Each one of us was born at the exact time the world needs us to pour out what God has placed in us.

We are all special, unique, gifted and talented.


Each one of us has been through tests and trials in life. We can help someone else through by sharing our testimony.

Someone is waiting to hear your testimony.

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12 April 2021

“Yesterday was one of the most amazing days of my life next to giving birth to my children . As a survivor and 18 years searching for support the big man above Lord Jesus answered my prayer. It started with pulling into a parking lot and seeing a group of people surrounding one of my angels Joni Wilkinson, Founder of One's Purpose, my mouth dropped wow wow wow look at all this love and support! Then it got even better there were a few more people already on the corners holding a banner!  Wow just wow to see people show up and support such an important cause to stop the demand of this ugly world of trafficking that is happening in our own city! To see people wake up and realize this is a problem that we need to help fix . If people think just holding a sign is nothing well your wrong its a huge deal, big enough to where one of you may have saved a girls or guys life yesterday now that's huge. 

I want to personally thank all of you who showed up and who continue to show love and support. Your making an impact more than you know!  You all touched my heart yesterday in a way I’ll never forget God bless you all!!! Thank you for making my dream come alive!!!" 

- Rhonda Riddle -