Rob Taylor Report

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Governor Candidate Paul Romero will Explain His Removal As a Candidate from the Constitution Party at 3:08 PM Monday, June 06, 2022, on KWRO

Constitution Party Removes Contenders

 Paul Romero Announces for Governor

Paul Romero For Oregon Governor Safety & Security For All Oregonians

(January 7, 2022 Revision)

Paul Romero For Oregon Governor Safety & Security For All Oregonians

As a Candidate for ALL Oregonians I submit the following Contract with Oregon ~ For Oregonians.  I would like to thank Speaker Newt Gingrich for his inspiration and his commitment to America through his “Contract with America”, 1994.

Together we have witnessed the failures of both Democrats and Republicans in our state, all at the expense of the people, this must end! As a sovereign freedom and liberty loving people we all will find common ground, NOT middle ground.  What is good for us all, should not leave any Oregonian out in the cold.  Rights or freedoms taken from one in order to placate another is a violation of our founding principles.  

I am committed, with absolute conviction, to accomplish the following as your Governor.  This is a live document so please understand that life and circumstances are not stagnate and neither can our plan to right the wrongs.  We will make adjustments based on progress and new knowledge.  I will work with the people of Oregon, the Legislature, County Commissioners, and Constitutional Sheriffs to engage the following:

Oregon Governor Candidate Paul Romero 5:08pm Monday March 14, 2022, on KWRO — Rob Taylor Report