From The You Cannot Make This Stuff Up Files---Relating to the HB 2005 Lawsuit

HB2005 Lawsuit:

HB 2005 Lawsuit Announced. – Oregon Firearms Federation

Email Exchange between Kevin Starrett & Breese Iverson

From: Kevin Starrett <>
Sent: Thursday, August 8, 2024 9:45 AM
To: Rep Breese-Iverson <>
Cc: Rep Helfrich <>; Rep Diehl <>
Subject: HB 2005 Litigation

 CAUTION: This email originated from outside the Legislature. Use caution clicking any links or attachments.
Dear Vikki,

As you no doubt know, we have joined the Firearms Policy Coalition to commence legal action against HB 2005.

HB 2005, you will recall, senselessly made criminals out of countless law-abiding Oregonians, most of whom, no doubt, are Republicans.

Your pledge of $25,000.00, donated by the very generous members of the House Republican Caucus, will be a small but significant contribution to what will certainly be very costly litigation.

We agree that it’s unfortunate that we are forced to have expensive legal battles to overturn laws which could have been stopped at no cost in the legislature, but since this is the reality we are dealing with, we greatly look forward to your generous donation.

Please send the check to:
Oregon Firearms Educational Foundation
PO Box 556
Canby OR

Thanks so much.

Kevin Starrett

From: Rep Breese-Iverson <>
Subject: Re: HB 2005 Litigation
Date: August 15, 2024 at 2:34:32 PM PDT
To: Kevin Starrett <>
Cc: Rep Helfrich <>, Rep Diehl <>

I can only speak for myself in this email. 

I appreciate the plaintiff bringing the Montgomery v Rosenblum case to court. In the 2023 session with HB 2005, the House Republicans were always hoping the bill could be challenged by someone in court as it was gutted to the federal statute, which was at the time challenged. I am glad to see that process playing out. 

I don’t appreciate your continuous battering and personal attacks against my colleagues and myself over the years. I don’t believe it helps us make a difference in Oregon. You have never, prior your 8/8/24 email, reached out to my office or asked to meet with me in person; and I have been serving in the House for five years. Nevertheless, I am committed to protect, as best I can, gun rights for Oregonians. I am certain you will continue to disagree with my actions and likely go on Lars Larson again to tell everyone. 

I have paid directly to the Firearms Policy Coalition my portion of such pledge, arising from the passage of the 2023 Session HB2005, to be used for theirMontgomery v Rosenblum litigation. If you remember, there were 25 members of the Republican caucus who took the pledge of $1,000 each to this end, totaling $25,000. 

In the almost two years since the pledge was made, the make up of the caucus and leadership has changed. I can not, nor would I, speak for them. At this time any individual decision on if, when or who they want to contribute their dollars, rests with each of them. 

Please note, the pledge was never to you or your organization but rather to litigation ensuing from HB2005. I do not like the way you run your organization or the manner in which you go about fundraising for your PAC or foundation. I will not be contributing to your organization because of that, but I will support the lawsuit as I previously stated. 

Thank you.

Representative Vikki Breese-Iverson

Oregon House District 59

Office H390


from: Kevin Starrett

To:​Rep Breese-Iverson​

Cc:​Rep Helfrich;​Rep Diehl;​Rep Boice​

Fri 8/16/2024 4:33 PM


Thank you for your hilarious email of the 15th. (Coincidently the day of our trial seeking an injunction against HB 2005.) 

I was throughly enjoying what I thought was light hearted parody. (“I will not be contributing to your organization because of that” ) when I was suddenly seized by the horrifying thought… “My God, she’s serious.

Well.. if you are not going to contribute I guess we’ll just have to close our doors. We have so relied on your past generosity.

But seriously, it’s almost impossible to respond to your inane nonsense with a straight face.

“I don’t appreciate your continuous battering and personal attacks against my colleagues and myself over the years.”

In deference to your limited attention span, let me remind you of your personal attacks through your mouthpiece husband, against my organization advising candidates not to answer surveys from us because we were a “fringe organization”.  That was after your grifting caucus cashed our checks, which were solicited by your grifting caucus.

But in a demonstration of the Iverson’s complete and total focus on cashing in no matter how many good people you screw along the way, you (in a burst of comic genius no doubt) actually sent me a letter after that attack… asking for a donation. You. Cannot. Make. This. Stuff. Up.

And despite your attacks on my organization, you never got around to returning the check you got from us, something any good upstanding moral person, as horrified by our actions as you were, would have done.

Both that fraud, Tampon Chris Drazan and forgotten-but-not-gone Fred Girod, asked for, and received, what, for us, were large donations. Something we had been doing for Republicans for years. Only after the checks were cashed, and with no offer to return the money, did we suddenly became a “fringe” group who “should be banned from the building.” Which of course we basically are thanks to the collective cowardice of you and your lemming like colleagues.

“You have never, prior your 8/8/24 email, reached out to my office or asked to meet with me in person; and I have been serving in the House for five years.”

I have exactly zero idea why you think I had an obligation to reach out to you or meet you in person. I have never had a single reason to meet with you and do not set up meetings with politicians for the sheer joy of basking in their reflected, if imaginary, glory. I simply expect them to do their damn job, something of which you are clearly incapable. 

(Unless your job is tanking what is left of Oregon while you and your husband rake in the dough and muscle the weak candidates you recruit.  At that, you excel.)

“I am certain you will continue to disagree with my actions and likely go on Lars Larson again to tell everyone.”

Count on it. Lars and every place else I can. Your disgraceful attacks on candidates who accepted donations from us so you could pump left leaning chumps, your petty, transparent, and juvenile stunts like that clown show “Oregon Gun Rights” and your commitment to lining your pockets while you help the Democrats flush what’s left of the state down the crapper need to be highlighted by someone.

After that feckless phony Drazan exited stage LEFT, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I said so publicly. And you turned out to be just another self serving fraud leading a collection of cowards. Cowards who turn on their own in a cocaine heartbeat. (I give you Mike Nearman and the disgraceful treatment of James Hieb, an unpolished, but far better person than almost all of you will ever be.)

HB 2005, if it takes effect, will make criminals out of a lot of good people and you and your colleagues are the reason why. So it’s left to groups like FPC and OFF to clean up your mess.

So spare my your self righteous whining.

Now if you’ll excuse me there is just enough time for me to score a Jingle Jeff Sweatshirt from the bargain rack at the Republican Caucus Swag Shop.

Kevin Starrett

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