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Executive Director of Parents Rights in Education Suzanne Gallagher Discussing Sex Indoctrination in Public Schools 4pm Monday February 08, 2021 on

Suzanne Gallagher’s Bio:

Oregon legislators have passed multiple statutes creating policies giving minors rights in violation of existing state laws.

Kate Brown’s new law, HB2023 goes too far!

Governor Brown recently signed House Bill 2023 mandating classroom instruction on homosexuals, lesbians, and transgenders.

Pro-LGBT lessons will be sprinkled throughout school subjects such as history, geography, economics, and civics lessons.

In other words, LGBT figures are featured because of their sexual preference and gender identity, not their relation to the subject being taught. Because the subject matter is part of every subject, the law implies parents cannot opt their children out.

Oregon Laws states:

ORS 336.035 Parental Rights to “guide the education, moral standards, religious beliefs and elements of good citizenship of their children”

ORS 167.03 Age of Consent to Sex, 18 yrs. of age

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Suzanne Gallagher’s Bio: