Rob Taylor Report

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Dr. Bob Zybach PhD Discussion About The Elliot Forest 3 PM Monday, February 12, 2024, S01-Ep007

Bob Zybach

About the author

Writer, researcher, photographer. Born 1948 in Woodland, Washington. Raised family and operated successful reforestation business from Eddyville, Oregon for 20 years. Earned Environmental Sciences PhD from Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, in 2003. Bachelors degree in Forest Recreation; Masters in oral histories; and Phd as historical ecologist.

Published poetry in several venues during 1960s; first articles, photographs, and editorials beginning in early 1980s. Hundreds of published articles, photographs, interviews, monographs, reports, and editorials from then until present. One book published, about 10 more in various stages of completion, including co-authorship of first fiction book of fine art photographs.

Most of my research and writing has focused on the human and landscape history of Oregon over the past 15,000 years, and particularly the past 500. Principal topics are forest and fire history; the Oregon Trail; Indian and Black communities and individuals; endangered species habitat; and reforestation planning.

The Elliott: An Anthology: Zybach, Dr. Bob: 9781732127678: Books

Oregon Websites & Watersheds Project, Inc. (

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