Donna Kreitzberg from Education Freedom for Oregon Discussing School Choice 4:08 PM Monday, April 17, 2023, Live on KWRO


Donna Kreitzberg

Donna Kreitzberg is a retired Real Estate Broker, Certified Public Accountant (CPA), small business owner and Business & Tax attorney, with a Masters in Management – Finance. Ms. Kreitzberg has spent the last year reading legislation and case law from across America concerning School Choice. Ms. Kreitzberg then spent time talking with School Choice Advocates, Policy Folks, Litigators, and Think Tank Directors from Colorado, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Texas, Indiana, Washington D.C., Pennsylvania, Ohio, Alaska, Arizona, California, Oregon, Nevada, Minnesota, West Virginia, and Florida gathering materials to use to draft two School Choice Amendments. Using the best features of existing legislation and Think Tank Model Legislation Ms. Kreitzberg drafted the Open Enrollment Amendment and School Choice Amendment as an “of the people, by the people” effort empowering parents with constitutionally protected rights and giving them back their voice in the education of their children. The Amendments are a solution to many of the issues facing our statewide education system. With these Amendments parents will be restored as the voice and force behind decisions concerning their children’s education.  

What's our Goal?

Our goal is to ensure Oregon families have the constitutionally protected freedom to choose where and how their children are educated and the opportunity to request Oregon education dollars to customize their children’s education.



