Democrats Employ Voter Suppression Tactics in Coos County

For Immediate Release

Monday, October 27, 2020

Contact: Rod Schilling, Coos County 

Democrats employ voter suppression tactics in Coos County again. 

Coos Bay, OR. Democrat candidate and Coos County Commissioner Melissa Cribbins is actively engaged in voter suppression tactics against Republican candidates on the coast. Cribbins posted a video exciting people of Coos County, because of COVID, to put notes on their doors to push back a Republican efforts to get voters to vote on November 3rd. 

Senator Dallas Heard is leading the effort in the phone banking and leaflet dropping door to door in Coos County and said, “This is clearly a voter suppression effort from the Democrat establishment out of Portland.” 

Senator Heard continued, “There is no moderate elected Democrat anymore, they will all vote with Portland liberals and follow the playbook of Governor Brown. Melissa Cribbins cannot be trusted and we must vote Dick Anderson in Senate District 5.” 

Cribbins may be using her influence as a county commissioner to get the Coos County Health Department, which reports to her office, involved in further suppression of voters hearing from different candidates. Coos County Republican Chair Rod Schilling agreed, “This is a blatant attempt by Democrats to not give our Republicans a voice in Coos County and beyond. The tactics of Melissa Cribbins during her campaign have proven that she is in the pocket of Portland and will leave the coast behind.” All COVID precautions are being followed by volunteers. 

Dick Anderson, Boomer Wright, Kim Thatcher and other Republican candidates need to have their voices heard through various campaigning opportunities. It is imperative that all voters have the right to receive information to be a more informed voter before they cast their vote. 

Dick Anderson, as mayor of his town, was personally directing traffic to ease fire evacuation. That didn’t stop Cribbins from lying about him all over the district. Here we go again with the voter suppression. Watch for Cribbins to use your local taxpayer dollars and send the health department chasing her political opponents at an entirely safe, outdoor gathering. 


Bryan Iverson

Chief Strategist 
