Rob Taylor Report

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Coos Bay Addresses Citizen Concerns Regarding Past and Upcoming Protests/Rallies

Citizen Concerns Regarding Past and Upcoming Protests/Rallies

The City has received numerous communications from concerned members of the community regarding organized protests and/or rallies over the past few months, including upcoming events. We want to make sure that our community members know that their City officials take citizen concerns seriously. We are limited in the actions that we can take in these circumstances, as we are committed to honoring the rights afforded by the Constitution to every person regarding assembly, demonstration, or protest. Exercising one's rights responsibly and with respect for other individuals' rights and safety helps build a resilient and cooperative community.
In the interest of transparency, we would like to address the topic of permits, as it seems there has been some confusion on when a permit is required. A Special Event Permit is needed from the City if a group or organization is holding an event on City property, such as the Boardwalk or Mingus Park, and requesting City services, such as power, police services, trash cans, barricades, portable restroom placement, and clean up. Organizers of past protests and or rallies this year, nor the known upcoming event this weekend, have not been required to obtain a special event permit. 
With the upcoming rally, there was an issue regarding permits noted in The World newspaper article titled “Two Opposing Events Planned for Saturday” published on September 28, 2020. As noted, the event organizer would have needed a permit for a parade of more than 10 vehicles; not just from the City, but from the Oregon Department of Transportation (if their parade route included portions of Hwy 101). After speaking with the organizer, it is our understanding they will not be having the parade, and will simply be dispersing and exiting town once the rally has concluded. As has been the case in the past, if something goes against city ordinance or state law, it will be addressed. Additionally, while not requested, the Coos Bay Police will have an increased police presence in an effort to deter unlawful activity and respond to criminal activity should it occur.
As always, your City officials are available to be reached by email or phone, and are happy to hear from you. If at any time you witness a crime being committed, please provide any and all evidence you have, as well as a reliable way to contact you, to the Coos Bay Police Department at 541-269-8911, so they may conduct an investigation.

Here is a link to the event: