Rob Taylor Report

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Union Thug Threatens Curry Board of Commissioners and They Ignore Him

From: Ryan Nielsen <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2024 6:53 AM
To: Brad Alcorn <>
Subject: Support Offshore Wind

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Dear Curry County Commissioners,

I am a member of LIUNA Local 737, a labor union representing thousands of construction craft Laborers across the state of Oregon, including in many communities along the Oregon coast. I am writing with great concern about the potential ballot measure referral that opposes offshore wind. This ballot measure referral is misleading to voters and would be harmful to the state of Oregon, coastal communities, and workers.

Most importantly, the County has no legal authority to ban an offshore wind project. The areas under consideration for potential leases for offshore wind development are entirely within federal waters. This means that any decisions on moving forward with such projects proceed through federal processes. For this reason, the referral you are considering opens the County up to immediate and potentially costly legal challenges that the County has no potential to win, should the measure be referred and voters pass it.

Offshore wind has incredible potential to contribute to Oregon’s renewable energy goals, and our energy independence. Up to a gigawatt of power could be produced from offshore wind, which would power homes and businesses. This technology is exciting and will make all of our communities stronger. Further, the direct and indirect benefits of the economic development that would accompany these projects would bring investment into coastal communities.

Offshore wind would bring thousands of jobs to communities on the coast, both through the projects themselves and accompanying port developments. Importantly, these projects would likely have apprentices working on them, which means that workers would gain important experience that leads to lifelong careers in the construction trades. These are careers that will help bolster Oregon’s workforce development and ensure that workers have access to good wages, full family healthcare, and retirement benefits. Offshore wind will make a positive impact in our communities and workers’ lives.

Do not waste voters’ time and County resources with this referral. Support our state, our workers, and our communities instead.

I urge you not to refer this measure. 


Ryan Nielsen

Political and Legislative Representative

Laborers' International Union of North America (LIUNA) Local 737

630-408-4490, 503-706-4283

Executive Board Member, Northwest Oregon Labor Council (AFL-CIO)

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Curry County Commissioners Approve Offshore Wind Advisory Question For November Ballot | Wild Rivers Outpost | Del Norte, Curry Counties (

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