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Oregon Governor Candidate Amber Richardson 5PM Monday November 15, 2021 on KWRO

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The Amber Richardson Interview ~ Oregon Governor Candidate ~ November 15, 2021

Amber Richardson 


Freedom Fighter

Medical Freedom Protesting 

Amber Richardson for Oregon State Governor (

Meet Amber

I was born in Corvallis, Oregon and raised in Central Point, Oregon. Growing up in Oregon was so beautiful, my family would camp, hunt, fish, and hike. I'm one of three girls; that alone is challenging  for some parents, yet my parents and family embraced life. We were taught gun safety at a young age, how to drive a stick and other types of vehicles. Growing up in southern Oregon I attended local schools from elementary to college. After years of working different industries, I earned my LMT ( licensed massage therapist). I have been at my practice over ten years, I've moved in the direction of medical massage. Pre and post surgical massage, scar tissue, injuries, and many more modalities. Over the last ten years I've watched my beautiful state of Oregon become a different state. From our logging industry and forest management , bills and measures passed that hurt our citizens and their businesses, taxes, and infringement of our rights. I've decided to run for Oregon state Governor. My campaign is more of a grassroots style. I have many ideas and plans that will help our state regain its strength from the overtaking. I want to collaborate ideas and be a resource for getting more individuals involved in our communities, and our state. I'm proud to be an American, I'm proud to be an Oregonian. I come from a family of veterans, I'm very passionate about our veterans, and the men and women who are still serving today. We owe it to them, they fought for us, so we could have our rights. We need to stand up for them, so we can keep our rights. 

Why my campaign is different, as all campaigns need money, and I do. I'm going to be spending wisely, we will be camping when we travel, staying with friends and family. There is no need for 600$ hotel nights and dinners. Also we are doing a college tour to encourage our youth that they can buy a home or start a business, yet if they keep voting the way they have been then they will continue to vote with their boots. They will not be able to survive, our college tour is about empowering our youth. I'm 36 years old, I have had to work two jobs my entire adult life to survive in Oregon. I want more for our youth, I want them to have a chance. Oregon is at a cross roads, it is a make it or break it moment.