Oksana & Paul Romero Discussing the Campaign for Governor 4 PM Monday May 17, 2021 on KWRO.com
“My number one priority for Oregonians is safety and security. This includes jobs, education, industry, and Constitutional rights. Let’s take Oregon back from the Socialist elements destroying our state.”
The Issues
Let's keep it Simple!
Pro Constitution
Religious Liberty
Pro 2nd Amendment
Medical Freedom - No Mandatory Vaccines
Term Limits Across the Board
Transparency of State and Federal Budgets
Equality for ALL, no extra equality for groups
Strong Military and Taking Care of our Veterans
Pro Life - NO Taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood
Balanced Budget
#TIMBER UNITY Proper Land Management by all parties, US Forest Service, BLM
LAWFUL Immigration & Immigration Reform, Protect our Borders
Protect Ranchers & Farmers, OUR Food Supply
END Obamacare - DEFUND Obamacare
Downsize Government and TAXES
Supreme Court Appointments
END Sanctuary Cities/States
END Common Core