Rob Taylor Report

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My Testimony to the NB School Board on One Resolution Opposing Critical Race Theory & Another Resolution Opposing the Mask Mandates

To: The North Bend School District Board Members

Subject: Mask Mandates and Critical Race Theory

September 30, 2021


As a resident of Coos County, it is in our best interest to stay involved with the curriculum the schools are using to teach the students, which brings me to ask the board members of the NB school district to oppose the racist teachings of Critical Race Theory.

The Board should oppose Governor Brown’s Mask Mandates.  The Board should pass both resolutions that are on the agenda for the work session on Wednesday, September 30, 2021.

Here are links to both Resolutions:

 Resolution Nondiscrimination and prohibition of Teaching CRT


Resolution Masks and Local Control

The Board Members have another situation that must be remedied.  

There is a website with documentation of Critical Race Theory literature written by Tony Hudson alleging that the Superintendent for the North Bend School District is forcing the administration to read and learn the tenets of CRT. 

Here is the link:

Several people have contacted me about the behavior of Superintendent Kevin Bogatin.  Some of them are staff, teachers, or family members who are concerned about the extreme curriculum Mr. Bogatin is planning to use in educating the students. Others are disgusted by his performance as Superintendent.  Some of the employees are afraid to speak up out of fear of retaliation from the Superintendent.  

These are serious allegations and that is why it is imperative that the Board immediately do a review of Mr. Bogatin’s performance and allow the staff and teachers to be interviewed anonymously without fear of retaliation. 

Here are some of the anonymous emails:

Send a Private Message:  Thanks for supporting the new board members. They stand for the truth and need help gettin rid of the extreme liberal superintendent running that district. He’s trying to set them up to look bad and he trains his administrators in CRT even though none of them asked for it or want it.


Send a Private Message: Superintendent Kevin Bogatin supports CRT and trained all his classmates field staff last year in it and has tried to brainwash his administration team in this theory for two years now. He still plans to continue this year against the new school board members wishes. He also is trying to make a public joke of the new members and openly speaks against them to the school district and community.


Send a Private Message:
Help North Bend School district board get rid of this superintendent before he destroys our community and erases our values. He is a tyrant like his old school board members and wants to place more and more rules on us. He doesn’t care about education our children he just wants teachers to have fun, not try to catch them up academically now that students are back in school. He wants educators to believe this junk you will see in the link above.


Send a Private Message: Thank you for calling out Bogatin and his wasted money and BS on CRT trainings in North Bend schools. My understanding is that teachers have not gotten it yet but all of the classified staff had a one full day training. All the administrators get it regularly. Bogatin talks about his relationship with Hudson snd how far back it goes, so I believe he is using our tax dollars to help pay fir his friends business to start up. He is very expensive. The school board needs to remove Bogatin. Most everyone thinks he is a joke and hurting our schools and community.


Send a Private Message: I hope you take the time to read this email. I believe it is time to remove our superintendent from the school district. His beliefs do not align with our community.
The state legislation will try to pass a bill the first session of 2022 to protect superintendents from being removed from jobs by school boards for thing like equity and state mandates. If this happens he will cram CRT and equity down your throats. He will bring Hudson back. He will publicly make a mockery of your beliefs. I have close connections with district staff. I know this. People that work for him are afraid to speak up because he is abusive. He is now being in to do equity work. It’s the same old junk as Hudson just reworded. What a waste of our money.
I’ve heard this bond has cost the district a couple hundred thousand just to get it to the vote. That could have paid for things for my students.
No one can work with him. Others have left that would have stayed if not for him. Teachers don’t get much interaction with him because he doesn’t spend time in classrooms. When he does he is so spastic and thinks he knows so much they really don’t like it. He is a bullshit artist and can lie or pretend to know about everything but really only cares about his own agendas, not supporting community needs. He was assistant superintendent in Corvallis yet they passed him up twice for the superintendent role there, obviously for good reasons. He is not here for us but for his own career advancement.
If the district can pay for new turf and a track and build playgrounds and portable classrooms, by air purifiers and security features the we don’t need a bond we need a superintendent that knows how to be responsible with our taxpayers money.


The evidence is there for some kind of investigation into Mr. Bogatin’s plans for indoctrinating our children into a highly provocative, racists process that is inherent in the practice of CRT.

I would like to submit this article as part of my testimony.

A letter to the North Bend School Board regarding Critical Race Theory

I would also like to point out that the teachings of Tony Hudson or any other CRT curriculum violate Oregon Law.

Oregon Law for K-12 Education 2021

History must include the US Constitution

ORS 336.057    Courses in Constitution and history of United States

In all public schools, courses of instruction shall be given in the Constitution of the United States and in the history of the United States. These courses shall:

1. Begin not later than the opening of the eighth grade and shall continue in grades 9 through 12.

2. Be required in all public universities listed in ORS 352.002 (Public universities) and in all state and local institutions that provide education for patients or adults in custody to an extent to be determined by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

[Formerly 336.230; 1977 c.226 §1; 1999 c.1023 §1; 2011 c.637 §114; 2015 c.27 §35; 2019 c.213 §129]

Critical Race Theory and Black Lives Matter at School violate this law!

ORS 336.067  Topics given special emphasis in instruction

1.  In public schools special emphasis shall be given to instruction in:

(a)  Honesty, morality, courtesy, obedience to law, respect for the national flag, the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Oregon, respect for parents and the home, the dignity and necessity of honest labor and other lessons that tend to promote and develop an upright and desirable citizenry.

(b)  Respect for all humans, regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, religion, age, sex or disability.

(c)  Acknowledgment of the dignity and worth of individuals and groups and their participative roles in society.

(d)  Humane treatment of animals.

(e)  The effects of tobacco, alcohol, drugs and controlled substances upon the human system.

2.  The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall prepare an outline with suggestions that will best accomplish the purpose of this section, and shall incorporate the outline in the courses of study for all public schools.

[Formerly 336.240; 1975 c.531 §1; 1979 c.744 §13; 1993 c.45 §75; 2005 c.209 §22]

Black Lives Matter at School Promotes some Races over others, violating this law.

ORS 336.082  Development of nondiscriminatory curriculum

1. The State Board of Education shall encourage the development and implementation of curriculum for public elementary and secondary schools in Oregon that will improve instructional effectiveness or efficiency and that does not discriminate.

2. The State Board of Education shall stimulate the development of nondiscriminatory courses of study or parts of courses to improve instructional effectiveness or efficiency in public elementary and secondary schools in Oregon. The board may direct the Department of Education or contract with appropriate public educational agencies to develop program materials and to establish a mechanism for the purpose of introducing the materials and implementing the techniques.

3. As used in subsection (1) of this section, “discriminate” has the meaning given “discrimination” in ORS 659.850 (Discrimination in education prohibited).

[1975 c.423 §§1,2; 1989 c.491 §23; 1993 c.45 §78]

Enforces the Rights of Parents to Access Curriculum Materials

ORS 336.465  Examination of instructional material

1. Each school district shall:

(a) Give parents, guardians and district residents an opportunity to examine the instructional materials to be used in any class, course, assembly or school-sponsored activity.

(b) Inform parents or guardians in advance of any instruction on human sexuality or sexually transmitted infections, including human immunodeficiency virus, and give the parents or guardians an opportunity to review materials. At the same time, parents or guardians shall be informed that a pupil may not be required to take or participate in any instruction on human sexuality or human immunodeficiency virus if the pupil’s parent or guardian, after having reviewed the materials, submits written objection to the school district.

2. Refusal to take or participate in any class, course, assembly or school-sponsored activity on human sexuality or sexually transmitted infections, including human immunodeficiency virus, shall not be reason for harassment, suspension or expulsion of the pupil.

[1993 c.775 §2; 2019 c.280 §7]


Thank you for your time. 

Sincerely Rob Taylor