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Marc Thielman Former Governor Candidate discussing Election Integrity 3:08 PM Monday November 21, 2022 on KWRO

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The Marc Thielman Interview November 21, 2022

Political Event Focuses on Elections

Marc Thielman announced he intends to run for Secretary of State

Marc Thielman For Oregon Governor | Official Site (

The Gathering of Eagles and Oregon Liberty Coalition’s Rally Around the Flag held their fifth event since joining forces. It was filled with evidence from groups and individual seeking justice in Oregon’s election system.

Two counties, Coos and Lane, told of their efforts filing public records requests and in Coos County the hard drive “crashed” destroying all records causing the county clerk to resign. Rod Taylor presented information on how your party can be identified in the numbering on the envelope. The Legislature authorized counties to do away with security sleeves exposing the ballot number through the envelope window.

Paul Metzler from Lane County provided information that Lane County has a large number of people registered in vacant lots. Through canvassing teams, they are finding people registered in homes that don’t live there to the tune of 11,823 more adults on the voter roll than the U.S. Census. Their teams are also monitoring drop boxes and they follow the ballot pickup. They are recognized as a great roadmap for other counties.

Attorney Stephen Joncus told the audience that lawsuits are showing “extreme” levels of fraud in the election system. On September 20-21 the Tim Sippel case will be heard in Washington County to determine if the public has a right to public records. The Oregon Secretary of State has inserted itself into the case and Attorney General Rosenbaum put on record that the “election tabulators are subject to physical and wireless attacks and if the information is released, it would cause irreparable harm to Oregon’s election system.” Admitting the election machines are accessible to manipulation Joncus said will carry weight in lawsuits. The Secretary of State is telling county clerks not to respond to records requests and upping the charges. They are working to get court intervention.

Joncus is working with Marc Thielman using the case of Brown v Board of Education, which founded that separate but equal was unconstitutional. The court said the case is not determined on casual factors, we’re not going to measure whether black and white schools are technically equal in what they provide to students. It’s more intangible factors that separates children by race and creates a sense of inequality, inferiority or a crisis of confidence. The court said, of course it exists, so they overturned the case that said, separate but equal was constitutional. Applied to our elections, we have a crisis of confidence in our election system.

Election Integrity Outshines at Dorchester

Out of 19 filed Republican candidates for governor, nine were present

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