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Ian Camacho from Look Ahead America discussing Election Integrity 4PM Monday December 20, 2021 on KWRO

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The Ian Camacho Interview ~ LooK Ahead America & Election Intergrity ~ December 20, 2021

Ian Camacho is currently the Research Director of 

Look Ahead America, led by Matt Braynard. 

Ian Camacho is currently the Research Director for Look Ahead America.

During the aftermath of the 2020 General Election, Ian Camacho co-led several hundred volunteers to investigate various claims of voter fraud. The group discovered thousands of P.O. Boxes disguised as apartments, suites, and units. 

With the help of Matt Braynard, these finds made their way into SCOTUS filings and briefings. Prior to that and with no idea of what would happen, Ian repaired machines, wrote basic training and technical manuals as a subcontractor at Smartmatic in Los Angeles, while writing and editing for Total Seminars. 

Previously, Capital One acquired his patent application designed to combat bank fraud and increase accountability. Ian brings his humor and passion in writing, researching, and project management to Look Ahead America with the aim of restoring voter integrity and trust in our institutions.