Rob Taylor Report

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Elliott State Research Forest Prospective Board Meeting September 22, 2023, with Public Comment

The Elliott State Research Forest (ESRF) Authority prospective board will meet Friday, September 22 via Zoom. 

ESRF Authority Prospective Board Meeting
Friday, September 22 via Zoom
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 
Meeting agenda and materials

Attend the meeting online: 
Zoom meeting link
Attend the meeting by phone:  971-247-1195
Meeting ID: 882 7190 4229

Meetings of the prospective board are open to the public and include time for public comment. Meeting video is posted to the Department of State Lands 
YouTube channel and meeting notes are posted here.

About the Elliott State Research Forest Authority prospective board: The State Land Board in December 2022 prospectively appointed the initial nine-member Elliott State Research Forest Authority Board of Directors. The appointments are effective on the Jan. 1, 2024 establishment date of the new agency. The prospective board will serve as informal advisors to the Land Board and DSL as work continues on the remaining steps required by SB 1546 to establish the research forest. 

Forest Management Plan Listening Session September 21

Reminder! Join Oregon State University on Thursday, September 21 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. for a virtual listening session to hear updates on the ESRF forest management planning process and learn more about the research design, followed by a forum to share your input. 

The Zoom link to join the listening session and more information about the ESRF forest management planning process can be found on the
OSU College of Forestry website here.

North Bend Site Secured as ESRF Headquarters

The former site of Shutter Creek Correctional Institution in North Bend has been transferred to DSL for use as the headquarters of the Elliott State Research Forest.

The 49-acre site is anticipated to serve as the operations hub for the research forest and will include laboratory, classroom, dormitory and office spaces. The site may also house potential partnerships with local and Tribal entities.   

Read the full announcement here (PDF). 

The Oregon Department of State Lands and Oregon State University are working collaboratively to transform the Elliott State Forest into a publicly owned state research forest. Visit DSL's Elliott webpage to learn more.

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