Rob Taylor Report

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Edward Renfroe Candidate for State Representative in the 2nd District 5:08 PM Monday September 19, 2022 on KWRO

My name is Edward Renfroe, I am running for Oregon House of Representatives District 2.

Let me start by I believe in The Constitution of the United States of America.

I Believe OUR Right to Life, Liberty and Our Pursuit of Happiness.

Let Me also say that I’m not a politician. As a matter of fact, I don’t care much for politics, and I care less for what i see in current politicians. I feel strongly enough about both to step up and try to become a better version of what we have for politician’s today.

I want Oregon back to the days of our schools having excess budget, I want our parents to raise our kids not the school or the government, I want to see Oregon get back to common sense forest Management for the health and safety of Oregonian's.

We need to make sure our police and public safety personnel have the funding and personnel to protect our people, our schools need to go back to No Child Left Behind instead of Common Core Education.

All Law Enforcement should follow the Constitution of The United States of America and protect the Constitutional Rights of All Citizens.

I want to see a better Oregon for all Oregonian's