ACTION ALERT: Public Comment on the Draft Elliott State Research Forest Management Plan

The Oregon Department of State Lands Draft Elliott State Research Forest Management Plan (FMP) is now available for review and comment.

The comment deadline is Sunday, July 28, 2024. 

Please submit comments to​. ​

Note: The document is a review draft, with placeholders indicated for some chapters, tables and figures, and appendices. Appendices will be posted when available.

Coming Soon: FMP Public Information Session Dates
Dates will be announced soon for virtual and in-person public information sessions to learn more about the draft FMP and provide input. 

Overview of the Draft DSL FMP
DSL’s Draft FMP demonstrates how ESRF forest land will be managed to sustain its diverse values, address fundamental research questions regarding working forests in the context of climate change, and achieve the specific ecosystem goods and service outcomes envisioned for it within the foundational guidance provided by the original ESRF Advisory Committee, the Oregon State University Research Proposal, and the Land Board. This direction has evolved and been refined over time based on efforts to address input from DSL advisory bodies, Tribal consultations, and other input, and will continue to evolve as part of this FMP development process. 

The draft is based on revision of the proposed FMP submitted by the OSU College of Forestry in December 2023. The December 2023 FMP contains significant good work and detail, and was developed with substantial ESRF advisory committee, Tribal, and public input and review over the course of its multi-year development. The Draft DSL FMP builds on this effort while also making shifts described in the overview linked below.

Overview of the Draft DSL FMP

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